About Us

Sina Cosmetics is considered one of the oldest companies working in the field of cosmetics in Egypt, where its history extends back to more than three decades… These long years were punctuated by many stages, but great leaps of expansion and development until it reached this great edifice. It is one of the first factories Which has deservedly obtained a license from the Ministry of Health and the Central Administration for Pharmaceutical Affairs, but rather to the admiration and praise of all officials on the equipment, preparations, regulations and work method in the factory. At the highest profit it aims at (consumers’ trust and praise), which is constantly increasing, and one of the most important things the company is keen on is registering the formulations of its products by the Central Administration of Pharmacy at the Ministry of Health before putting them on the market. The administration is keen annually to attend international exhibitions abroad in this field to learn about everything new And modern equipment, machines, equipment, and modern techniques in the cosmetics industry to benefit from and apply them Sina is one of the few companies in Egypt in this field that is interested in having a special department for research and development and pays great attention to it, due to its keenness to produce high quality and tested products as well as the continuous improvement and development of production and manufacture of new products to join the family of Sina products. The company’s work culminates in a complete system of provisions Quality control on all departments of the company in manufacturing and packaging production by a team of qualified, specialized and trained technicians, as well as permanent follow-up to production through production quality control laboratories, whether or not

The company has an ambitious future plan to add many, many new products to all its cosmetics to surprise their top customers with a wide range of them in the near future